Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I love Wednesdays

Wednesday morning after I drop Jordan off at his Montessori Programme , Paul and I head on out to the country. After stocking up on some vegetables and a nice lunch at the local bakery, we spend the rest of the day at our friends property where we help out with the horses. There are 4 horses in all, 2 large (Harry & Petrie) and 2 mini's (Gypsy & Rebel).
We have been doing this for the last month or so and whilst grooming Gypsy on the first visit she bit me on the back of my leg. Now Gypsy isn't a mean horse, she just gets stressed out due to previous conditions before being saved by Vicki. After being bitten I made a commitment to myself to earn her trust and build up a bond with her and I am happy to say that bond has been growing with each visit.
Paul has been reading a book about Horse Whispering and for the last couple of weeks we have been incorporating ideas from the book into the way we communicate with the horses which has been incredible. Today though was amazing. Now forgive me if you have a lot to do with horses as this will all sound very basic I guess but for Paul and I, well we are having the best time and my confidence is growing by the minute around horses and handling them. After grooming Gypsy (mane and forelock only as we are taking it gradually due to her getting very stressed out when grooming her body), we did some ground work in the arena. This is completely new to me, I have ridden horses and had lots of riding lessons over the years but never have I had the opportunity to work with them in the arena on the ground. It was exhilarating and I loved it. Thank you so much Vicki for giving us this opportunity and trusting us with your horses.
Gypsy Rebel
The pictures below were taken about a year ago with Harry frolicking in the dam. We had the opportunity to watch them all in the dam again last Saturday and it was just priceless - they were having so much fun, especially as it was such a hot day and thankfully the dam is a lot fuller after the recent rains but I didn't have my camera with me.
Harry just loves the water
Petrie having a good roll in the grass

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