Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Momentum is moving up a notch around here

Momentum is moving up a notch here - finishing up the packing, listing items on ebay or taking items to the Salvo's that are not longer wanted, last minute catchups with friends, loading up the cars and moving furniture back to where it originally belonged.

With all that happening I don't think I will be putting much energy into my blog so I do apologise in advance BUT wow what excitement and the photo's I will have when we move into the house around the 9th/10th January.

So with this in mind, I will leave you with some photo's from our recent outing on Puffing Billy to Emerald Lake.

Stay safe my friends and enjoy the festive break.

1 comment:

  1. Im so excited for you. Hope to hear about your adventures when i get back. We can trade photos!
    Take care, much love, Melissa


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