Monday, February 15, 2010


 Jordan was invited to a party on Saturday.  Paul and I discussed this party a couple of times and finally decided that we would leave the decision up to Jordan - you see it was to be held at Zone 3 which is a Laser Gun Play Centre which totally goes against everything we encourage for Jordan - why did we relent and let him choose if he wanted to go, well basically because he is the new kid at school and we didn't want him to feel left out.  I normally wouldn't even consider it but he has had such an emotional week that I didn't want to add not going to a party to the list.
I feel such trepidation when party invitations come home............  Why do I feel like this -  because as a general rule we don't eat foods with sugar, MSG or preservatives in them and we very very rarely eat junk food and parties as a general rule always involve lots of foods high in sugar, preservatives and lollies which Jordan has never eaten - YES, I did say that, Jordan has never eaten a lolly in his life. 

So on Saturday I was very pleasantly surprised to find that there were no lollies and although the party food wasn't what we would eat normally it wasn't too bad as far as party food goes.  After the Laser Zone place, the party headed to a local park where there were vegetarian sausages to eat and lots of play before finally going back to the Birthday Boys house for more play, birthday cake and present opening.  The birthday cake was home-made and delicious so although the Laser Game venue was not ideal, Jordan enjoyed himself  and I got to meet some of  Jordan's classmates parents.  We did have one very tired little boy on Saturday night though.

Then yesterday we spent a very relaxing afternoon and evening with friends chatting, swimming and watching the kids playing together and generally having a great time. 

arriving home very late last night we were greeted by this at the back door
I wonder if snakes eat Toads ????

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Janine, NOTHING eats toads. Best wrap them up in a plastic bag and place in the freezer to die a quiet and peaceful death. Don't mind the rustling noises.... xx


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